
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022

Post 2: Best Holidays

My best trip during a holiday was in the summer of 2021, in this trip I had the opportunity to go to the Lake District, precisely I was in Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Ensenada and Frutillar, during this trip I spent two and a half weeks.  Most of the time I was in the city of Puerto Montt, although I already knew it and I don't consider it to be the most beautiful place in the world, I had the opportunity to meet people that I value deeply and that have become very important people in my life. During this trip I went with my partner and friends joined me along the way.  Among the things I did were volunteer work, seeing beautiful landscapes, eating a lot and visiting those places. On this trip I had the opportunity to go around Lake Llanquihue on a catamaran, as well as in a kayak. I remember that one of those days we had the wonderful and crazy idea to walk in the rain along a road to Ensenada, we ended up soaking wet hahahaha.  This trip has been the best so far because beyond go

Post 1: A country you would like to visit.

A country I would like to visit. Without a doubt it would be the Netherlands, the quality of life is very good, and the way in which the state administers public policies and looks after its citizens is admirable, it has been characterised in this sense by reforming institutions such as the family and in this way allowing the entry of new ways of social coexistence. In addition, it has several places of great tourist interest, a clear example of this is the museum of Anne Frank's house, as well as the Vincent Van Gogh museum, the tourism sector in the country provides about 640,000 jobs a year. Amsterdam is the capital of the country and is one of the most visited destinations, what strikes me deeply is the main means of transport they use, which is the bicycle.  I would love to get to know the main tourist centres, as well as through the stories of citizens to know their opinion about the public policies implemented in the country, however, it is not my only interest since by know