Post 3: A job you would like to have in the future

When I finish my degree I would like to work as a social anthropologist with a focus on migration. However, I have not yet determined whether this is what I really want, as I still have a long way to go in my career and discipline, but so far I really like this branch of knowledge and all that it entails. The anthropological understanding of migration, both past and present, is something that really appeals to me, especially understanding the current context of what is happening globally with migration and the impacts it is having on a socio-cultural level.  

My dream is to work in an intergovernmental body in the elaboration of public policies that determine what I want to do and what I intend to do. In that sense, working in an agency like UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) would be the ideal way to have a proactive impact on the changes that need to be generated. I believe that the skills and abilities that anyone working in intergovernmental organisations should have are negotiation, effective communication, accountability and problem-solving skills. 


  1. It is a nice area to work in and definitely a great contribution to society. I hope you can achieve your wishes! Good luck :)

  2. it´s admirable your dispose to help or support the different communities and possibly connationals that arrive our country, working as public authority. I wish you a lot of success to achieve that :)

  3. Migration in Chile has so little information and dedication, and it's a very important thing to take care if we want to grow as a country, to accommodate the new residents in this globalized world.
    I hope you can get you dream job!


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