My Career

Since I was a little boy, I always thought about becoming a lawyer. It seemed like the right thing for me. And even before the age of 8, I used to dream about being an astronaut, because I was deeply invested in learning about the stars and constellations. 

It was settled. I would become a lawyer. But that everything changed in seventh grade, when my mom mentioned the career she always wanted to study: anthropology. Even though I had heard of it and had a notion about what it meant, it was still very unknown to me, which led to a fascination and interest towards the subject, resulting in me researching and reading books and papers non-stop.

When I started high school, I was clear about my intentions of pursuing anthropology, however, there were a couple other options that caught my eye. Both of them being on the same social sciences field as the career mentioned previously. First, there was sociology, which interested me because of its much diverse quantitative applications. The second one was political science, because of my attraction to the analytical study of the different political situations in the world.

At the time I took the PTU, I was certain; my future career had to be anthropology, since it was what I identified with, deeply, and it had all the characteristics that defined the perfect career for me, however, my main dilemma was in which university to study at. The obvious choice was at Pontificia Universidad Católica, but a month before taking the test, I realized I wasn't satisfied with its curricular subjects, so I finally leaned to the Universidad de Chile's curriculum and got into it.

I am currently in my second semester of anthropology at Universidad de Chile and each day it passes, it grows my conviction that I made the right choice. I hope soon to be able to attend to presential classes and meet my professors and friends


  1. very interesting about being an astronaut, at one time I also wanted to, the stars are beautiful.
    pd. I also want to have face-to-face classes soon :(

  2. It's great to know that you really liked the career you chose!

  3. When i was a kid, i also loved the stars and constellations, hahaha, is nice to know you more :)

  4. In your autobiography I couldn't comment


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