Thinking about it I don't have a favourite technological object, because I am not very devoted to it, however, what could come close to that favourite object is the phone and/or computer, not because I find them as the best creation, nor because I like them very much, but because they are two of the tools that I use the most and that are vital for certain things that I do in the day to day. First, of all, I use the computer for study and recreation, especially because it has become essential for online classes and the work I have developed on them, without the computer, I would not be able to do many of the things I do on it; However, it should be stressed that the computer is not more essential than the mobile phone from my point of view. Since the phone allows me to do these things and more, especially because certain applications are specific to the mobile phone such as Whatsapp, and that today are essential for social communication taking into account that we are living in a pandemic.

In this way the computer is established as a study tool while the mobile phone is used as an element of recreation, it is worth mentioning that both purposefully affect my life but generate dependence precisely because of what was mentioned in the previous paragraph. 

Finally, I want to add that I would definitely recommend these two technological objects, because they facilitate many issues that nowadays become transcendental for daily life, above all I recommend good equipment to last in time.


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