
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Post 8: Tell us about a subject you enjoy studying

Many topics are very interesting to me, however not all of them have the characteristic of attracting me to study them, one of those topics that I am passionate about and that generates me joy and enthusiasm to investigate them is with respect to public policies and the global knowledge of them, especially when it has the character of how anthropology can influence the construction of these.  In fact, one of the main reasons why I chose a career in the social sciences was precisely because of how we can influence them, it has always been a very interesting topic for me since I consider that through these we not only build in the proposal of an objective, It has always been a very interesting subject for me since I consider that through these we do not only build in the proposition of an objective, but that being intermediary agents between the state and communities, we have the responsibility to be propositional and defend the construction of what emerges in the formulation of the stud

Post 7: Career Related Website OR An Expert on your Field

Generally I do not visit many websites regarding my career, however on very specific occasions I consult articles of interest in the Revista Chilena de Antropología, which is a national and international journal published twice a year, particularly in July and December, and which receives manuscripts in both Spanish and English. Its main objective is to disseminate and discuss research in the different branches of anthropology in order to understand the multiple aspects of social and cultural realities.  As I mentioned before, I don't visit this site very often, but even so I visit it approximately two or three times a month, since apart from the two publications they make during the year, they receive contributions throughout the year. Without a doubt I recommend this website to all those who want to learn more about this beautiful profession as well as to anthropologists who are looking for knowledge beyond their area of specialization and/or interest.  I attach the link so that

Post 6: How Can Your Major Make the World a Better Tell us why and how what you study (your major) can make the world a better place

The degree I am studying is Anthropology. When I entered it, I did so with a strong conviction to serve society. In fact, I think it is fundamental to have this motivation as a social scientist. Ever since I was a child, I have been interested in the study of human beings, because I felt that through it I could serve the changes in society.  I do not yet have a clear idea of the specialisation I would like to pursue within this field. However, I think I am more inclined towards social anthropology, as it is the closest to what I have always wanted and where militant anthropology can be exercised more strongly. Moreover, it is based on direct contact with the subjects of study and where participant observation can give meaning to the proposal I mentioned earlier.  With my studies, I hope to contribute to the changes demanded by society, and where justice, truth and memory are the main focus of my work, despite the specialisation I may take in the near future. 

Post 5: A Photo and its Story Write about a photograph you like.

The photo that I'm showing you was taken in Pucón, in the middle of the Araucanía region. When I took it, I was with a person who is very special to me. That was the second time that I went to that city which I like a ton. We went to various parts of it. In the morning, we went to the beach to swim. We had a really good time in the Villarrica lake. For lunch, we ate an empanada. Finally, in the afternoon and to finish the day, we sat down to see the beautiful sunset while we ate some crunchy french fries and a tasty raspberry juice.It was precisely there where this photograph was taken.  Beyond the story behind this photo there are some very cool technical aspects. I really liked the beautiful framing, the intensity of the colors and how they all generate a soft shadow of the objects that embrace it. Definitely, this beautiful day culminated with the heavenly sunset that is reflected in the photograph.