Post 8: Tell us about a subject you enjoy studying

Many topics are very interesting to me, however not all of them have the characteristic of attracting me to study them, one of those topics that I am passionate about and that generates me joy and enthusiasm to investigate them is with respect to public policies and the global knowledge of them, especially when it has the character of how anthropology can influence the construction of these. 

In fact, one of the main reasons why I chose a career in the social sciences was precisely because of how we can influence them, it has always been a very interesting topic for me since I consider that through these we not only build in the proposal of an objective, It has always been a very interesting subject for me since I consider that through these we do not only build in the proposition of an objective, but that being intermediary agents between the state and communities, we have the responsibility to be propositional and defend the construction of what emerges in the formulation of the study groups, thus having a political and militant role, not only being observers, but also being participants in the historical identity that is forged in these. 


  1. I think it is very important to participate and be part of it, not just watch. Big changes require the participation of everyone.


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