Post 4: Time travel to the past or the future

I consider that travelling to the future is better than travelling to the past because I can have indications of things that I can improve in the present. However, I consider that travelling to the past is also an excellent option because I can correct mistakes in the present that may be a consequence of my past, I would also love to meet historical figures like Martin Luther King or to be in moments and experiences that have determined the future, like the first world war, so that I can change and modify the things that were the triggers.  

But, as I said, travelling to the future is better than travelling to the past. I would like to observe in the future the consequences of the actions of human beings, such as savage capitalism, especially after the year 2100. However, I consider that it is not the best option to stay in the future, as travelling to the present could change those situations to avoid them. However, I would like to travel even further into the future, around the year 3000, and observe the situation on the planet. 

Through all these experiences I could suddenly determine and change my life and be able to take each of these experiences into account for the decisions I make. 

               Here you can see how the earth will be in the year 2100, in terms of temperature level.


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